Well, after a month of threatening to come, our baby boy finally made his way into the world. Because of my cervical history, my doctor thought he could come early... and starting the day before our anniversary (August 12th) I had horrible consistant contractions, we were sure it was time! Sure enough though he wasnt ready and we were able to go through the temple on our Anniversary (Post to come about that day later)
He continued to threaten to come, and we ended up pretty much living at Chad's Parents house for the two weeks before he came, just incase...
At 37-38 weeks my Dr stripped me, and we of course thought that it would give him the push to come.... but it didnt. The next week, (Monday September 10th) he stripped me again. That night I didnt sleep at all, I had the worst PMS feeling cramps I had ever felt before. The next morning I went to work, and was having contractions consistently 12 minutes apart. By 2:00 I had to leave work, I couldnt stand sitting there in pain any longer.
Chad and I did errands, and they rapidly went from 12 minutes to 6-7 and increased in intensity so much that I couldnt walk. Finally around 4:30 we went to the Hospital, my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and I couldnt breathe or talk through them any more. They got me all settled in, and checked me... she said I was a 2-2+ which I knew had to be wrong, I was a 3 at my appointment the day before. So I was extremely aggrivated when she told me it was false labor and sent us home. She advised I drink two glasses of water and they would go away.. so I did.. and they DIDNT!
I labored at Chad's parents house until 1:00 a.m wednesday morning, when I couldnt handle it anymore. They were 1-2 minutes apart and lasting about a minute and a half. So we went in again and they watched me for an hour, finally admitting me because the nurse said I was now at a 3+... I got into my room and let Chad take a nap. I was trying to go natural, and I had made it 13 and a half hours before I finally caved and got the epidural. I wasnt dialating and I was so exhausted from not sleeping the night before that I couldnt do it any more. They gave me an Epidural at 4:30 when i was supposedly a 5+. My water then broke by itself and I was able to relax until my new nurse came to check me at 6:30, sure enough I was at a 10! Before I knew it there were five or more nurses in the room pulling out equiptment, and I was trying to wake Chad up. I finally got him awake enough to ask if he was ready to have a baby, he was so confused! He called our moms and told them to haul butt, I was starting to push. And the nurses called Dr. Benham, who thought I was still at a 5. And was not happy when i told him she said i was a 2 when i came in, he knew she was wrong and wondered how long i had really been a 10 with him engaged? The nurse forced Chad out of his sleepy daze by making him hold my leg. I pushed for 15 minutes before my mom and Joelene got there, shortly after Dr. Benham arrived. They all were there for the last three pushes. I pushed a total of 25 minutes and he was born at 6:59 a.m. 6 lbs 13 oz. 18 1/2 inches. And I was only in active labor for 15 and a half hours (not bad for my first!) and all but two un-medicated!
That kind of experience is something you cant really explain, unless you've done it, you have no idea how magical it really is. They immediately put him up on my chest and I was able to kiss and hold him, thankfully he came out extremely clean! (Even the nurses were surprised at how clean he was.) Im not sure what was more powerful, my son looking me in the eyes for the first time. Or turning to looking into my husbands eyes and knowing we created him together. Both were full of a powerfull love I had never experienced before. I fell even more in love with my husband that day, I have the most beautiful family, and I feel so blessed. I have two very handsome boys that I love more than life itself, their my world, and the family I always wished and prayed for.
Congratulations Dani! You did so good! I'm glad he's here safe and sound. There really is nothing like having a baby together to strengthen a relationship.
ReplyDeleteCongrats Dani!! You're right, it's an experience that truly can't be explained!! It's amazing how the minute they arrive you don't know what you ever did without them!! I can't wait to meet him!
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and I hope you don't mind if I follow? Your little guy is adorable! I am glad you are doing well. Congrats!! That is so exciting :)
ReplyDeleteHey! I'm glad you diacovered mine so I could yours! When is your little guy due? I read November so it must be coming soon!! That's so exciting! It's honestly the best experience in the world, and it's definitely fun to start out with a little boy!!